Search Results | black plague

Your search for "black plague" returned 18 results

When Medieval Pilgrims Wore Badges to Ward Off Plague

The tin or lead pins medieval pilgrims wore on their hats or cloaks, some playfully risqué, were meant to protect against plague.

How the Black Death Worked

How did the Black Death kill 25 million people? The Black Death caused devastation and hysteria. Learn how the Black Death spread and its effects.

How a Parisian Lemonade Craze Fought the Plague

A lemonade fad in 17th century Paris may have stopped the plague from spreading and the death toll from rising. HowStuffWorks looks at the connection.

10 Worst Ways History Has Repeated Itself

As they say, if we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it. And as these 10 historical events prove, humans seem to be more prone to repeating than learning.

Did the Dutch really trade Manhattan for nutmeg?

Did the Dutch really trade New Netherland for nutmeg? Find out why nutmeg was more valuable than Manhattan.

What Was the Tulsa Race Massacre and Why Does it Still Haunt the City?

Tulsa, Oklahoma was once home to 'Black Wall Street,' one of the wealthiest Black neighborhoods in the U.S. In 1921 it was burned to the ground in a race massacre.

Emergence of Hunger Stones Signals Worst European Drought in 500 Years

Hunger stones in European rivers mark droughts that lead to famines. What does their reappearance now mean for the health of the European economy?

African King Mansa Musa Was Even Richer Than Jeff Bezos, Some Say

In the 1300s, Mali's Mansa Musa set out for Mecca with an entourage of 60,000 people and thousands of pounds of gold. What would that gold be worth today?

5 Fascinating Stories of Abolitionists Past and Present

One was an enslaved man turned best-selling writer; another was a wealthy pottery maker whose company is well-known even today. Here are five amazing stories of abolitionists.

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