Santería is centered on the establishment of personal relationships between practitioners, known as santeros or santeras, and the orishas. These relationships are cultivated through various rituals and ceremonies, including divination, animal sacrifice, and spirit possession.
Divination and the Ifá Oracle
One of the most integral aspects of Santería is the practice of divination, which allows practitioners to seek guidance from the orishas. The Ifá oracle, a highly complex system of divination, is presided over by specialized priests known as babalawos. Through the ritual casting of consecrated palm nuts or cowrie shells, the babalawo interprets the will of the orishas and provides the seeker with specific instructions for offerings, rituals, or life guidance.
Animal Sacrifice and Ritual Offerings
Santería rituals often involve the sacrifice of animals, such as chickens, goats, or pigeons, as a means of honoring and appeasing the orishas. These sacrifices are not performed in a cruel or wanton manner, but rather with reverence and respect, as the animals are believed to carry the spiritual energy necessary to establish a connection with the divine. In addition to animal offerings, Santería practitioners may also present the orishas with various symbolic items, including flowers, candles, fruits, and ritual objects.
Spirit Possession and the Bembé Ceremony
A cornerstone of Santería practice is the belief in spirit possession, where the orishas are believed to temporarily inhabit the bodies of initiated practitioners, known as olorishas. During the bembé, a ritual drumming ceremony, the olorishas may enter a trance-like state and become vessels for the orishas, allowing the divine beings to interact directly with the congregation, offering guidance, healing, and prophecy.