How Jack the Ripper Worked

The Legacy of Jack the Ripper

Legacy of Jack the Ripper
The legacy of Jack the Ripper has endured for more than a decade, perhaps because the case has yet to be solved, or perhaps because he marked the appearance of a new kind of killer. Wikimedia Commons/©HowStuffWorks

When the ghastly handiwork of Jack the Ripper began turning up around Whitechapel, it marked the appearance of a new brand of killer. Jack wasn't the world's first serial killer, but he was undoubtedly the product of an increasingly industrialized Western society and the anonymity and isolation it produced. He didn't kill for money, to eliminate an enemy or punish a spouse . The killings seemed random, and he caught the London police forces completely off guard [source: Sugden].

To catch this new breed of killer, criminology had to evolve. What is arguably the first crime scene photo was taken at Miller Court of Mary Jane Kelly, now standard procedure in police investigations. The technique of comparing the bodies of victims to establish M.O. was also borne out of the Ripper investigation. One can argue that all modern forensic investigation techniques find their cradle in the Ripper murders.


The Ripper murders are also characterized by the media coverage they received. This was the first time a serial killer was given international coverage. The exposure spurred a rash of hundreds of letters. Although there's no proof that any of the Ripper letters were written by the actual murderer, they would prove to be a lasting legacy. Later serial murderers like the Zodiac Killer of the 1960s corresponded with the very media outlets that presented his crimes to the public. The press and serial murderers came to form a symbiotic relationship. The media provide the renown many serial killers crave, and the killers provide fodder for reporters.

Jack the Ripper also had an immediate effect on London by exposing the existence of the poverty stricken lower classes. Prior to the murders, the wealthier classes were aware of social unrest stirring in the East End. A riot and a widespread demonstration by the poorer classes had spilled outside of East End two years before. But the slayings focused an international lens on this district and the quality of life of the people who lived in the developed world's slums. The playwright George Bernard Shaw pointed out that the gruesome murders succeeded where social reformers failed by managing to attract widespread attention to the area's conditions [source: Grose].

Perhaps the most obvious legacy of Jack the Ripper is the lasting interest in the case, which has never really waned. The Ripper has remained a consistent draw in movies, at newsstands, on television, in tours and exhibits. The field of Ripperology is taken very seriously by those who do more than dabble in it. Many Ripperologists have written successful books, some of which have proven definitive sources on the subject of the murders.

This still doesn't fully explain why the Ripper's legacy endures. Certainly, the fact that a century later his identity has yet to be verified points to the continued interest. But a darker perspective was suggested by Alex Murray in his 2004 essay in the journal Critical Survey titled "Jack the Ripper, the Dialectic of Enlightenment and the Search for Spiritual Deliverance in 'White Chappell, Scarlet Tracings'". We assume that the more civilization has developed, the more we've left behind our nightmarish capability of exercising brutality. Having emerged from the slums of developed society, Jack the Ripper stands as our best reminder of the potential violence latent in each one of us, no matter how civilized we become. As Murray writes, "The only thing to be revealed in the investigation of Jack the Ripper is ourselves" [source: Critical Survey].

For more information on serial killers and other related topics, see the links below.

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  • Adam, David. "Does a new genetic analysis finally reveal the identity of Jack the Ripper?" Science. Mar. 15, 2019. (Sept. 8, 2019)
  • Amiri, Farnoush. "Jack the Ripper's identity may finally be known, thanks to DNA. " NBC News. March 18, 2019. (Sept. 8, 2019)
  • Bachelor, Blane. "London's new Jack the Ripper exhibit cuts deep." Fox News. May 23, 2008.
  • Barbee, Larry S. "Jack the Ripper: Introduction to the Case. " (Sept. 8, 2019)
  • BBC News. "Jack the Ripper's face revealed." BBC News. November 20, 2006.
  • Begg, Paul. "A final response to Mr. Harris." Casebook. April 1998.
  • British Library. "Suspicious Characters. " British Library. (Sept. 8, 2019)
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  • The Daily Telegraph. Untitled article. Casebook. Oct. 1, 1888. (Sept. 8, 2019)
  • Douglas, John E. "Unsub; aka Jack the Ripper; series of homicides, London, England, 1888." Federal Bureau of Investigation. July 6, 1988.
  • Edwards, Russell. "Naming Jack the Ripper." Rowman & Littlefield. 2014. (Sept. 8, 2019)
  • Feldman, Elliot. "Who's Jack the Ripper - some suspects you wouldn't suspect." Associated Content. May 17, 2007.
  • Flanders, Judith. "Jack the Ripper. " British Library. May 15, 2014. (Sept. 8, 2019)
  • Grose, Thomas K. "Jack the Ripper revisited." Time. May 20, 2008.,8599,1807923,00.html
  • Haggard, Robert F. "Jack the Ripper as the threat of outcast London." University of Virginia. 1993.
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  • London Daily Telegraph. "Inquest: Annie Chapman. " Daily Telegraph. Sept. 11, 1888. (Sept. 8, 2019)
  • London Metropolitan Police. "The enduring mystery of Jack the Ripper." E-telescope. March 19, 2005. (Sept. 8, 2019)
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  • Murray, Alex. "Jack the Ripper, the dialectic of enlightenment and the search for spiritual deliverance in the White Chappell scarlet tracings." Critical Survey. 2004.;jsessionid=LLDh8gFzJpTkt1fcqp17LycYDtp1Q1p2Mc1FnvbCr1k819wfHgTz!-1828415860?docId=5007599834
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  • Spallek, Andrew J. "Montague John Druitt: Still Our Best Suspect. " Ripper Notes (The International Journal for Ripper Studies). July 2005. (Sept. 8, 2019)
  • Sugden, Phillip. "The Complete History of Jack the Ripper." Carroll and Graf Publishers. 2002.