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How the Gettysburg Address Worked

By: Tiffany Connors  | 

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  • ­Abbott, Philip. "Political Thought in America." Waveland Press, Inc. 1991. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • DofNews. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • "Everett, Edward." Encyclopedia Britannica. Jan. 23, 2008. (Nov. 17, 2022) Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
  • Ferguson, Andrew. "Land of Lincoln: Adventures in Abe's America." Grove/Atlantic, Inc. 2007. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • ­Foote, Shelby. "The Civil War: A Narrative: Fredericksburg to Meridian." Random House. 1963. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • The Gettysburg Address (Library of Congress Exhibition). (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • "The Gettysburg Oration." The New York Times. April 20, 1887. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • ­"Great Army of the Republic." The New York Times. May 30, 1868. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • "The Gettysburg Address." Nov. 18, 2019. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • Katula, Richard A. "The Gettysburg Address as the Centerpiece of American Racial Discourse." The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. No. 28. Summer 2000. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • McPherson, James M. "Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era." Ballantine Books, 1988. (Nov. 18, 2022)
  • National Park Service. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • Penn State. "Lincoln seized moment to unify as he delivered Gettysburg Address." July 1, 2013. (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • Pohlad, Mark B. "The Woman Who Found Lincoln at Gettysburg: Josephine Cobb of the National Archives." (Nov. 17, 2022)
  • White, Ronald C. "The Gettysburg Address: Much noted and long remembered." Nov. 17, 2013. (Nov. 18, 2022)
  • Wills, Garry. "Lincoln at Gettysburg." Simon & Schuster Inc. 1992. (Nov. 17, 2022)