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How the Spanish Inquisition Worked

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  • "Balanced History of the Inquisition is Possible, Says Expert." Zenit, June 16, 2004.
  • Fransisco de Goya y Lucientes.
  • Gui, Bernard. "The Inquisitor's Guide: A Medieval Manual on Heretics." 1323. Trans. Janet Shirley, 2006.
  • "Inquisition." Catholic Encyclopedia.
  • Kamen, Henry."The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision." Yale UP, 1998.
  • Lea, Henry Charles. "A History of the Inquisition of Spain." AMS Press, 1966.
  • McGill, Sara. "The Inquisition." Great Neck Publishing, 2005.
  • Nickerson, Hoffman. "The Inquisition." Houghton Mifflin, 1932.
  • ­O'Brien, John A. "The Inquisition." Macmillan Publishing 1973.
  • Olsen, Ted. "How the Inquisition Saved Lives." Christian History & Biography, Summer 2004 Issue 83.
  • Paul, Pope John II. "Address to Symposium on the Inquisition." October 31, 1998. october/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19981031_simposio_en.html
  • The Galileo Project: The Inquisition.
  • Walsh, William Thomas. "Characters of the Inquisition." P.J. Kennedy and Sons, 1940.
  • Wicker, Benjamin D. "Inquisition in the Catholic Church." Lay Witness, April 2000.
