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How the Crusades Worked

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  • "Crusades." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopedia Brittanica Online Library Edition. (Jan. 28, 2008)
  • Czech, Kenneth P. "Third Crusade: Siege of Acre." Originally published in the August 2001 issue o f Military History Magazine. The History Net. (Jan. 28, 2008)
  • Ford, Peter. "Europe Cringes at Bush 'Crusade' Against Terrorists. The Christian Science Monitor, Sept. 19, 2001. (Jan. 28, 2008) (Jan. 28, 2008)
  • Gore, Terry L. "First Crusade: Battle of Dorylaeum." The History Net. (Jan. 28, 2008)
  • Knox, E.L. Skip. "The Crusades." (Jan. 28, 2008)
  • Various lectures available at
  • Madden, Thomas F. "The New Concise History of the Crusades." Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006.
  • McFall, J. Arthur. "First Crusade: People's Crusade." Originally published in the February 1998 issues of Military History Magazine. The History Net. (Jan 28, 2008)
  • McFall, J. Arthur. "First Crusade: Siege of Jerusalem." Originally published in the June 1999 issues of Military History Magazine. The History Net. (Jan 28, 2008)
  • Nicolle, David. "Essential Histories: The Crusades." Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001.
  • "Templar." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopedia Britannica Online Library Edition. (Feb 5, 2008)
  • Tyerman, Christopher. "Fighting for Christendom: Holy War and the Crusades." Oxford University Press, 2004.