World History

HowStuffWorks looks at the history and culture of places from all over the world.

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Controversies surround not just the possible existence of hidden chambers, but even the ability of Egyptologists to undertake the search for them.

By Jesslyn Shields

Beer may be one of the most humble of alcoholic beverages, but its history is no less noble -- or muddled -- than wine or liquor.

By Laurie L. Dove

Empires rise and empires fall - it's a seemingly unavoidable fact of life on Earth. But these superpowers reigned longer than any others. What can we learn from their missteps and achievements?

By Thorin Klosowski & Francisco Guzman


The Code of Hammurabi is a 7-foot-tall piece of basalt with more than 300 laws engraved on it. According to the code, if you strike your father, then your hands will be cut off. Why would our modern society care about studying such inhumane mandates?

By Jane McGrath

Like the members of an ill-fated rock group, the seven continents struck out on their own hundreds of millions of years ago. But what caused the breakup? And is a reunion tour in the works?

By Molly Edmonds & Talon Homer

The East India Company didn't just cause the Boston Tea Party -- it forged new nations and established drug trade. So why is it the basis for modern corporations?

By Josh Clark